Parking and permits at the Lake Tahoe campus
Fall permits now available
Space is limited. Get the permit most convenient for you by researching your options and purchasing your permit as soon as possible.

Every vehicle operated on the University of Nevada, Reno Lake Tahoe campus is required to register with Parking Services and obtain an appropriate parking permit.
Permits must hang from the rear-view mirror or be placed in a clear pocket and attached to the passenger side of the windshield. Permit information must face outward to be clearly visible. Permits remain University property and can be reclaimed if an individual's parking privileges have been revoked.
Individuals are allowed to purchase one permit per person, per academic term and parking permits are non-transferable. The only exception to this rule is that you may purchase a Motorcycle/Moped or free Bicycle permit in addition to your primary vehicle permit.
Parking permits
The University of Nevada, Reno at Lake Tahoe’s parking system is based on a zoned parking system. Currently, all parking lots are designated as a Blue 1 parking zone and a Blue 1 parking permit is required to park on campus. Additionally, Blue 1 Lake Tahoe permits are valid on the main campus in the same Blue 1 parking zone. Conversely, all valid main campus parking permits may be utilized on the Lake Tahoe campus in all Blue 1 zones (excluding reserved or metered spaces). Zone permit fees can be found on the parking permit fees page.
Blue 1 Zone Permit. Blue 1 permits are available to faculty, staff and students and allow parking in any of the Blue 1 zones. Available as an annual or semester permit, however, the semester permit does not include parking for the winter or summer sessions.
American with Disabilities Act (ADA) Permit. Annual permit available to students, faculty and staff that is issued a valid DMV disabled placard or plate. These permits are valid in any ADA-accessible space on campus. The owner of the ADA placard/plate must be in the vehicle to park in an ADA-accessible space. Using an ADA placard that is not your own constitutes fraud and is punishable by state law. Please visit the ADA Parking Access page for additional information.
Motorcycle Decal. Annual permit available to faculty, staff and students. These permits are valid in motorcycle areas only. Mopeds, motorcycles and motor scooters parked in designated motorcycle parking areas must be registered with the Parking and Transportation Services Department and must display a valid University motorcycle permit on the right fork or fender. They may be parked in regular vehicle spaces, as long as the registered owner holds a valid University permit for that specific zone and the permit is clearly displayed on the motorized vehicle in a locking display pouch. Locking permit display pouches are available for purchase, at the Parking and Transportation Services office. Designated motorcycle parking is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Do not move other motorcycles in an attempt to make additional room. Motorized vehicles must not be driven on sidewalks or pedestrian access routes and must be driven with due regard for the safety of pedestrians.
Bicycle Decal. Bicycles used on campus must display a valid University bicycle permit and must be registered each year with the Parking and Transportation Services Department. Bicycle permits are complimentary, and bicycle lockers are available for rent. Please contact the Parking and Transportation Services Department to determine bike locker availability. Bike racks are provided throughout campus to ensure proper parking, as bicycles may not be parked (except in racks) on the sidewalks, in pedestrian access routes to buildings or inside buildings. Bicycles parked in buildings and deemed to be in violation of fire and/or safety codes will be impounded at the owner's expense. Bicycles may not be chained to any object other than a designated bicycle rack. Bicycles not displaying a University bicycle permit are subject to citations.
Public/Visitor Parking – The public/visitors may purchase a temporary daily parking permit at the Parking Services office on the main campus, or use the PaybyPhone option for $2 per hour located in the Blue 1 lot just south of the Prim Library. Visitor parking is enforced Monday – Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Rules and enforcement
All parking lots on the Wayne L. Prim Campus require proper permits to be displayed Monday-Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Permits are not required on the weekends or holidays.
Citations may be issued to persons or vehicles found to be in violation of Parking Regulations. Upon the accumulation of a third delinquent citation, a boot courtesy warning will be issued. The vehicle will be booted and/or towed without notification and at the owner's expense, and campus parking privileges will be withheld until the fees for all outstanding citations have been paid. Fines issued for any violation shall be payable within 14 calendar days from the date issued. On the fifteenth calendar day, any unpaid citation is considered delinquent and the fine will double. Citation fines may be paid at the Parking Office with cash, by check made payable to the Board of Regents or with a valid, major credit card. Payments may also be made through the
A person is liable for all citations incurred on all vehicles owned, operated or registered. Administrative procedures are established to collect outstanding fees. Any costs incurred in the collecting of fees or delinquent fines may be added to the amount for collection. Persons with unpaid citations may be placed on a fee hold list. When placed on a fee hold list, registration, records and transcripts are withheld until the outstanding balance is brought to zero.
Citations must be paid prior to submitting the written form and can only be appealed within 15 days of issuance.
- No Bicycle Permit - $5: All bicycles must display valid university parking permits.
- Improper Display of Permit- $5: Parking permits must be displayed as indicated in these regulations.
- Line Straddling - $10: Vehicles may not be parked on or overlapping any parking lines marked on the pavement.
- Overtime Parking- $20: Vehicles parked at meters must have the appropriate meter fee deposited. Vehicles may not be parked in loading zones for longer than 15 minutes.
- Blocking Sidewalk, Driveway or Doorway - $25: Vehicles may not be parked on paved or unpaved sidewalks or driveways or at entrances to buildings.
- Parking in Improper Zone- $30: Vehicles must be parked in authorized areas only.
- No Parking Zone- $30: Vehicles may not be parked in areas designated as "No Parking." Areas not specifically marked for parking are considered "No Parking" zones.
- No Parking Permit- $30: Vehicles must display valid university parking permits.
- No Overnight Parking - $30: Overnight parking is prohibited on campus without an overnight parking permit.
- Red Zone- $30: Vehicles may not park in a zone which has been painted red, indicating a "No Parking" zone.
- Parked on Lawn or Planted Area- $40: Vehicles may not be parked on lawns, planted areas or dirt areas contiguous with a planted area.
- Obstructing - $40: Vehicles may not be parked in a manner which obstructs traffic flow or prohibits free access of another vehicle or limits disabled access.
- Fire Hydrant- $40: Vehicles may not be parked within 15 feet of a fire hydrant or fire alarm box.
- Parked in Reserved/Gated/Coned Area-$50: Unauthorized vehicles may not be parked in spaces marked as reserved 24 hours a day, 7 days a week without appropriate permit displayed; in areas designated as reserved for special event or areas designated as temporary construction sites by signage and/or cones; or in areas controlled by a gate arm. This regulation is enforced even if the gate arm is raised or missing.
- Parking Privileges Suspended- $50: Parking on the campus is a privilege which may be revoked at any time with cause. When parking privileges are suspended, the vehicle is immobilized.
- Possession of Forged, Stole, Lost or Deactivated Permit-$250: Vehicles may not display forged, stole, lost or deactivated permits. Altering permits constitutes forgery. Parking privileges are suspended and disciplinary action may be taken. In addition, the full price of the confiscated permit will be assessed.
- Disabled Parking Zone-$250*: Unless legally authorized, vehicles may not park in spaces designated for the disabled. *Minimum fine of $250. Citation fee is subject to escalating amount of $500 for the second or third subsequent offense
The responsibility of finding a legal parking space rests with the motor vehicle operator. Inability to locate a legal space in a parking lot or area, lack of knowledge of the parking regulations, or personal circumstances are not justification for incorrect parking. Citations may be appealed within 15 calendar days from the date of issuance. Appeals may be filed online or in person at the Parking Office; however, a deposit equal to the amount of the fine must be paid prior to submitting the appeal. If the appeal is granted, the deposit will be refunded. If the appeal is denied, the matter may be further appealed to the Parking and Traffic Board. If the latter, in person, appeal is granted by the board, the deposit will then be refunded. If the appeal is further denied, the deposit will be used to pay the citation fine(s). Failure to make a timely appeal constitutes waiving the right to appeal, and no delinquent citation or fee will be considered for appeal.
Parking map
The campus parking map is a map of the University of Nevada, Reno at Lake Tahoe campus showing all of the buildings and the transportation routes (pathways and roadways) on campus and the roads surrounding the campus on the north and east borders: Tahoe Boulevard to the north, Country Club Drive to the east.
The map legend includes the following parking zones:
Blue 1 Zone
There are four Blue 1 parking lots on the map. Starting on the west side of campus and moving clockwise to the east, one lot is located southwest of Patterson Hall and Campbell-Friedman Hall. There are two Blue 1 parking lots located east of Prim-Schultz Hall and east of Nathan and Violet David Hall, near the corner of Tahoe Boulevard and Country Club Drive. The fourth Blue 1 lot is located southeast of Prim Library, just off of Country Club Drive.
EX Vehicle Parking
EX vehicle parking is for vehicles with exempt State license plates and a University of Nevada, Reno Service Vehicle permit is required. This area is located north of Nathan and Violet David Hall.
ADA parking locations
On the map, starting at the northernmost location and working down left to right, ADA parking locations are in the following locations:
- In the Blue 1 parking lot, southwest of Patterson Hall and Campbell-Friedman Hall.
- In the semi-circle drive north of Patterson Hall and Campbell-Friedman Hall.
- In the Blue 1 parking lot, east of Prim-Schultz Hall.
- In the Blue 1 parking lot, east of Prim Library.
Paid parking using PayByPhone
There are two locations for paid parking using the pay-by-phone options:
- On the south end of the Blue 1 parking lot, east of Prim Library.
- In the semi-circle drive north of Patterson Hall and Campbell-Friedman Hall.
Other map features
- The bottom left corner of the map displays: For Rules and Regulations Regarding Parking go to the main University Parking Services page.
- The bottom right corner of the map displays: Map revised 12/13/2023.
Ready to purchase your permit?
Buying a parking permit is easy! Simply log into the parking portal with your NetID and password to purchase one online, or visit our front desk to buy one in person.